# dod_wow 同环比算法

# 算法简介


# API接口

# 参数

'data_id':specify one data for dod_wow algorithm
'show_result_as_image':True show result as image, False show result as json
'sigma_up': standard deviation number of up boundary
'sigma_down':standard deviation number of down boundary
'half_win_d':half window length of day on day
'half_win_w':half window length of week on week
'training_day': number of training day
'check_param':enable unconstrained mode

# demo演示

import requests
import pandas as pd
from PIL import Image

params = {
    'data_id':'ibpialr_valuelist_from2019-11-16to2019-12-16_1',  # specify one data for dod_wow algorithm
    'show_result_as_image':True,  # True show result as image, False show result as json
    'sigma_up':3,  # standard deviation number of up boundary
    'sigma_down':3, # standard deviation number of down boundary
    'half_win_d':15, # half window length of day on day
    'half_win_w':15, # half window length of week on week
    'training_day':3, # number of training day
    'check_param':True  # enable unconstrained mode

r = requests.get(url_dod_wow, params=params)  # now, data update success

with open('1.png','wb') as f:

# 运行结果

上次更新: 2021/8/25 17:09:12