# Overview

GAIA , with the full name Generic AIOps Atlas, is an overall dataset for analyzing operation problems such as anomaly detection, log analysis, fault localization, etc. The data in GAIA mainly comes from a scenario in the business simulation system, MicroSS , owned by Cloudwise. MicroSS monitors each business system as comprehensively as possible, recording logs on all related entities and business executions, and metrics reflecting detailed features of objects. Further, GAIA includes metric and log data from many companions of Cloudwise, with grants for data publication and absolute guarantee for strict hyposensitization, to be used for pure research purpose in AIOps.


This is an overall dataset for AIOps scenarios.

It encloses the data of log, metric and trace, encompassing multi-dimensional data obtained from our business simulation system MicroSS . This is the first time AIOps region has an open dataset published with so detailed monitor of a system including all types of data, i.e. log, metric and trace data, for fair algorithm evaluation. Further, GAIA includes metric and log data from companions of Cloudwise, with grants for data publication and absolute guarantee for strict hyposensitization, to be used for pure research purpose in AIOps.


Last Updated: 3/8/2022, 6:21:00 PM